Préavis de Désordre Urbain

Préavis de Désordre (Urbain) #12

Love Protest 


It is in a particular context that we are launching this 12th edition of the Festival Préavis de Désordre Urbain. The Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region, a faithful and important partner of the festival since its creation, has brutally suppressed its financial support, jeopardizing the existence of an atypical and unavoidable event in the Marseille and European landscape.

A Festival that has become a “City-wide Collective Work” that proposes strong artistic acts, takes risks, creates desire and social ties, questions the changes in our society.

The spirit of resistance is in the DNA of this Laboratory-Festival of performance. We are staying the course; Navigating in turbulence zones does not annihilate desire or pleasure, but forces us to sail to a format different from previous editions.

No performance in an urban setting this year, hence the Urbain de Préavis, put in brackets. It’s at La Belle de Mai that we invite you to discover the artistic proposals of this 2018 vintage, inspired by by the red thread: LOVE PROTEST.

Between utopia, sexual liberation and the claim of individuality, what remains of May 68, 50 years later? In 2018, what about the genre, the norm, the difference, the tolerance in the field of Love?

On the program, two unpublished evenings, September 14 and 15. If you are over 18 (!) Do not deprive yourself of bold and impertinent artistic food, regenerating for body and soul.

And if you dare … Experiment a Live Sex Chat on the background of ritual of the Rite of Spring. Discovering dance bodies in mutation, out of context and conventions. Find your place on the map of the tender version Turn me On.

The desire for sharing and dating and the creative energy are the fuel of Notice of Urban Disorder.

So we hope that many of you will enjoy this 12th edition and support us so that the Adventure can continue ..


Nadia Bekkers

Lisie Philip

Ornic’art (Avec Rochdy Laribi, Directeur Artistique et : Claire Boucherie, Marie-Rose Frigière, Julien Gourdin, Huiming Huang, Clémence Neut, Tom Preier, Surzhana Radnaeva,Boris Vassallucci)

Chantal Yzerman (& Carlos Aires)

Préavis de Désordre Urbain

Préavis de Désordre Urbain #11

Urban rituals of hospitality 


In ancient Greece the foreigner who asks for asylum is always welcomed as an envoy of the gods, if not as a deity in person. Hospitality is a rite of passage. What greetings should we send to migrant coming to the Schengen area today ?

In 2017, the rise of xenophobia generates fear of the other and the return of borders and walls. We must not, in this context of crisis, abandon the common space but on the contrary decree a state of artistic urgency and act so that it remains a place of crossing, meeting, sharing.

We must invent urban rituals of radical and poetic hospitality.

We look forward to sharing together precious and impertinent, joyful and unique moments to celebrate this 11th edition of Préavis de Désordre Urbain!


For the 11th edition of the Festival, we question the importance of rituals of hospitality.

Préavis de Désordre Urbain

Préavis de Désordre Urbain #10

Can we free ourselves from borders ? 

The 10th occasion of Préavis de Désordre Urbain is celebrated in a context that is quite unfavorable towards serenity : which reception for the migrants in the Schengen area nowadays ?

Préavis designs a particular scenography for the year 2016, around the Checkpoint, set up with barriers and tents. 
Moving from la Friche towards the sea, it follows its own migration.

As a governing principle of this urban odyssey : can we free ourselves from the frontiers ? More than ever, it is important to re-appropriate the public space. More than ever, PDU must hold its course to resist to the surrounding fear and re-enchant this chaotic world. 

A suspension time in this society that is about to implode, vital emergency stop, were we can take a breath at the Checkpoint. 

You traveler, there is always something that will be given to you there…


“Intimacy” – Dorotheo Seror (Germany)
Take a shower with Dorothea. Frontiers between public space and private life get blurred.

“Check in” – Dariusz Fodczuk (Poland)
Come to live a relaxing and meditative inspection in a confessional checkpoint.

“We will be waiting at the border” – Vloeistof (Netherland)
Pass on through the mirror. Frontiers between the audience and the dancers mix up.

“Toutes les terres sont conquises” – ODM – Collectif BE (France)
Get into a trance at a transcendent DJ set. Cross the genders borders.

“Transfrontalier” – Snake (Cameroon) 
Shake the walls and free yourself from the frontiers, while crossing the limits with a committed choreographer.

“Mes âmes soeurs sont en couple avec un autre… Help !” – Ornic’art (France)
Open you up to a unknown person during a 2.0 performance “what would I have become if I had crossed the wall ?”

“Tout doit disparaître !” – Peter Baren (Pays-Bas) 
Experience the position of a peeping Tom, and discover through a small hole the frontierless world of a performer.  

“Unfamiliar” – Leda Dalla et Gitsa Konstantoudaki (Greece)
Dare to come into the dance of two performer, ode to the sea, freedom and dead promise.