Préavis de Désordre Urbain

Préavis de Désordre Urbain #9

Performances and emergency stops 

September 14th to 19th, 2015

Greece, Ukraine, global warming, economic crisis, economic growth, essential growth … The feeling of being collectively embarked on a single rail served by mandatory stops.

A grain of sand in this seemingly well-oiled mechanism can be vital.

What if we took the risk of getting off the tram?

And if the urgency was to reconquer the public space by artistic and citizen actions?

Attention disturbances are scheduled from 14 to 19 September 2015 on line 2 of the tram and Jobin-Friche bus stop the Belle de Mai. Temporary emergency stops are in service. It is strongly recommended to borrow them or to stay there.

Artists : 

Asile 404 (France), Gustaf Broms (Swenden), Anna Byskov (Danemark, France), Jany Jérémie (France), Sandrine Julien (France), Antoni Karwowski (Poland), Frédéric Krauke (Germany), Ornic’art (France), Lucile Rimbert (France), Biño Sauitzvy (Brasil, France), Rémi Uchéda (France), Pina Wood et Marlène Llop (France)

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