Préavis de Désordre Urbain

Préavis de Désordre Urbain #10

Can we free ourselves from borders ? 

The 10th occasion of Préavis de Désordre Urbain is celebrated in a context that is quite unfavorable towards serenity : which reception for the migrants in the Schengen area nowadays ?

Préavis designs a particular scenography for the year 2016, around the Checkpoint, set up with barriers and tents. 
Moving from la Friche towards the sea, it follows its own migration.

As a governing principle of this urban odyssey : can we free ourselves from the frontiers ? More than ever, it is important to re-appropriate the public space. More than ever, PDU must hold its course to resist to the surrounding fear and re-enchant this chaotic world. 

A suspension time in this society that is about to implode, vital emergency stop, were we can take a breath at the Checkpoint. 

You traveler, there is always something that will be given to you there…


“Intimacy” – Dorotheo Seror (Germany)
Take a shower with Dorothea. Frontiers between public space and private life get blurred.

“Check in” – Dariusz Fodczuk (Poland)
Come to live a relaxing and meditative inspection in a confessional checkpoint.

“We will be waiting at the border” – Vloeistof (Netherland)
Pass on through the mirror. Frontiers between the audience and the dancers mix up.

“Toutes les terres sont conquises” – ODM – Collectif BE (France)
Get into a trance at a transcendent DJ set. Cross the genders borders.

“Transfrontalier” – Snake (Cameroon) 
Shake the walls and free yourself from the frontiers, while crossing the limits with a committed choreographer.

“Mes âmes soeurs sont en couple avec un autre… Help !” – Ornic’art (France)
Open you up to a unknown person during a 2.0 performance “what would I have become if I had crossed the wall ?”

“Tout doit disparaître !” – Peter Baren (Pays-Bas) 
Experience the position of a peeping Tom, and discover through a small hole the frontierless world of a performer.  

“Unfamiliar” – Leda Dalla et Gitsa Konstantoudaki (Greece)
Dare to come into the dance of two performer, ode to the sea, freedom and dead promise.

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